My Natalie is such a pleasure! She has been an easy kid. My parents brag on her all the time and have every reason to do so... she's amazing. She is an incredible artist. She painted a watercolor of a bunny a few months ago and it blew me away. She needed a little help getting started, but what she created was incredible. Here's a picture to show you her painting. She brought it to me and said, "do you like it? I did this for you."
Thursday morning I woke up before the sun was up and again, I opened up the house to let the cool air in... I opened the window in the bathroom to a dark backyard. As my morning routine continued in the bathroom, I looked over at the window and caught a glimpse of the sun rising. I could see the sky turning multiple shades of blues and oranges, but because of the awning, the trees and peering out this tiny window, I only caught a glimpse of it before it was completely light. I laugh now because I caught myself standing over the toilet, one knee on the lid, scrunched down, peering out the bottom corner of the window from a left angle... (got a mental picture?). ...just to see a glimpse of the glorious sight. I wasn't able to see the full sky, but enough to know it was gorgeous! It was like the sky was singing. It was as if God was saying... "Good morning, sunshine! You like it? I did this for you!"
We had an amazing visit at my parents house this weekend. Natalie had taken her baby bunny to show Mimi and Paw. On my home Monday night I saw the most amazing site. The moon was resting on the horizon which I've seen many times. But tonight when I saw the moon glowing in all its' amazing glory in the sky hopping over the trees as I drove, it was breathtaking! I've never seen the moon glowing with such vibrant red. A soothing peace rushed over me and it again was if God was saying... "I'm with you on your drive home. Do you like the moon tonight? I did this for you!"
Natalie and I had the most amazing conversation tonight. I always ask questions to help her build a relationship with God and to help show her the relationship I have with him. I want her to experience Him the way I do. I gave her a new children's' bible the other day. She's been carrying it around with her. She loves that it has the ten commandments listed in the back. I recently taught my 3rd and 4th grade Sunday school class how to easily memorize the 10 commandments by using their 10 fingers. So Natalie and I sang through the New Testament books of the bible song; then went through the meanings of the ten commandments.
I was surprised she understood them each so well, but when it came to "graven images" we had an amazing conversation. I was trying to explain to her how any person or thing could easily be a "graven image." How easy it is to place something in front of God; television, people, anything... how it becomes more important than worshiping and being obedient to God. My heart sang out when she said, "You know mom, even this bunny could be a graven image if I love it more than God."
"Yes, hon, you're absolutely right. If you decide to stay home to play with that rabbit rather than going to church or spending time with God you are placing that bunny as more importance than God. And commandment #1 says what?"
"You are the Lord my God!!"
"That's right! I think you understand the graven image." By this point I was gleaming!
"Mom, the way I have it organized in my mind is that God and Jesus are first," as she was drawing a circle in the air around her body. "Then my family ~ not lined up, but you are all right there," as she drew a larger imaginary circle outside of her first with her hands. "Then my bunny and cat and anything else I really like," in an even larger imaginary circle.
Natalie attends my Sunday school class the majority of the time. She's only in first grade, but she asked to join our class and I love the fact that I get to teach her along with other children. I loved it when starts asking questions. So tonight, I was smiling from ear to ear! She made me so proud. We talked about murder, adultery, taking God's name in vain, keeping the Sabbath holy, honoring and respecting your parents, lying, what coveting means, and then about stealing.
When we talked about honoring your father and mother she talked about respecting her teachers too. She is wise beyond her years. She gave me examples on how not to use God's name in vain and that she's heard people do that before. She says that even taking a paperclip from work for your own use is stealing. I explained to her how God looks into the heart and how if he sees hatred, He considers that displeasing just like murder. That we are commanded to love our neighbors, friends and the people in the check out line. She explained to me that if a married couple were not honest with each other and dated someone else that was adultery ~ (which I felt was enough of the concept at her age). We talked about just because someone might be a good person doesn't mean they are going to go to heaven. I had the opportunity to share with her how God requires us to keep his commandments and be obedient.
I was appalled! While driving I began to ask myself... What gives her this knowledge of understanding at six years old? ...of course, God. Natalie has been pursued by my gracious God and already he is working in her. He has given her what she needs to know even at the age of six to start relying on him. It was as if God was smiling down at me saying, "don't you just love her? Oh, she is so beautiful! I did this for you!"
All around I am blessed with God's goodness! It's the simple things he likes to do for me. If we take notice His goodness is all around us. He did this for you!
Lord, thank you for you amazing beauty. Thank you for doing this for me! Thank you for my little Natalie and the love you have for her. I lift her up to you for she is yours. Help me to continue guiding her down the path towards you. Show me what you need me to show her. You are an incredible God! In Jesus precious name!
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