Can you hope like a.....rabbit
Can you hop up and down!
Can you flip rawnd and rawnd intil you fall down!
Can you hop up and down!
Can you flip rawnd and rawnd intil you fall down!
Nope, those are not my typos :) She's just in first grade and spelling her words as best they sound. She is so creative. Yes, I'm a proud momma!
I love misspelled words that actually bring on a new meaning than what was intended. I've always thought that God makes us all creative and at some point, somewhere along the way, if not encouraged, it becomes "schooled" out of us. I recently read a book that contradicted these exact thoughts. The author says that, "we are born with or without talent; it is a gift from God." I'm still torn about whether we are born without it. My heart wants to think that we are all "created" in His image... and my God is the ultimate "creator." Genesis 1, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth.... ...Then God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness..."
In Natalie's little poem, I wonder what "hope" looks like to a rabbit. I know with Natalie's little bunny, any time we open the back door, she stands up on her back legs and looks to see if we are coming over to her cage to visit. The only thing that is really expected of us as rabbit owners is food and water. "Flower," Natalie's rabbit, has become part of of our little family. We've had her for a few months and try to handle her every day so she stays familiar with us and stays gentle. She's the type of bunny that actually seems to likes people. I think she likes her alone time, but is fine with kids petting and loving on her for a little while and even gives kisses when asked of her. Although her life consists of a cage and a young girls' hugs and squeezes and the occasional treats, I still can't help but wonder what a rabbit hopes for... or any animal for that matter. I asked Natalie if I could keep her writing and take it to work with me. :) She granted me permission. I feel honored to have this perfect little letter to remind me of Psalm 150:6, "Let everything that has breath (even rabbits) praise the Lord!" and have hope.
Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
Oh, Lord, You're beautiful! Thank you for helping me understand what hope really means. Thank you for giving us something to hope for. It is You my heart longs for. Thank you for my family, for the gentleness and sweet spirit you have given Natalie. Thank you for continuing to do your beautiful work in her. I give you praise in Jesus' precious name!
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