What is enough? I've often wonder why I was made... Why would God take the time to develop me? What is my purpose for being here? Why am I given these personality characteristics?
I recently heard a study that every day, my life impacts or influences six people ~ whether that's in a good way or bad way. And on the other hand... I am influenced or impacted by six people. That's six people! Everyday! (6 people x 30 days... x 12 months... x 85 years... wow! in a lifetime that's 183,600 people)
Where am I spending my time to allow six people impact me? ooooh, a new perspective of who and what influences me So... am I making an impact? Am I influencing anyone? oooh, in what way? Is this good or bad? So, if I am impacting or influencing others... Is this Christ-like? Are the ways I view myself the same ways others are viewing me?
I don't think I'm the only one who has ever asked these questions... I'm not sure many people have actually answered them... I'm not sure I can answer them myself (and I know I couldn't for anyone else), but acknowledging these questions and having the anticipation to see what God will reveal from my inquisitive nature... might just unfold some unexpected and amazing information. Am I suppose to question God? hhmm... good question and thought... Personally, I know I shouldn't question Gods' intent, but I don't think it's a bad thing to raise question if you are in search of truth. I think God wants me to ask questions ~ it's how I grow in Him. I realize my questions are going to be answered on God' timing (or not at all) and in His own way. God, being the all knowing, Omnipotent one He is... chooses when and what He will reveal and what we are ready to see.
I really like the Christian song artist, Chris Tomlin (I think I've mentioned him before). So many of his lyrics are great with songs of lifting praise. Lately, I keep humming his songs, "Your Grace is Enough" and "Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)." Yesterday, someone in a meeting was praying and the words stood out to me and noticed I was nodding and smiling in agreement... He prayed, "Lord, You are enough!" I thought... that's it! You, Lord, You are enough... but... I haven't had enough of You! I can't seem to get enough ~ the more He gives me peace, comfort, joy, love, grace... the more I want!!
Maybe that's why I am asking so many questions. Just today I read an incredible story about Beth Moore. The story was called "Hairbrush" back in 2005. To make a long story short... she is sitting in an airport waiting on her flight as a hunched over, skin and bones, elderly man was wheeled to the gate where she was waiting. Beth begins to describe the (some times humiliating) way God speaks or nudges her into doing something out of her natural ways or feelings. She said she began to resist the task God was placing on her heart. "Don't make me witness to this man, not here" she said to herself as she tried not to stare at this man. She pleaded with God, but it was on her hear that God specifically told her He didn't want her to witness to this man, but wanted her to brush the man's hair... she begged Him not to make her witness to this man. Again, very clearly she realized that she was not there to witness, but to brush this mans' hair. She wrestled in her spirit and finally asked the man. Being elderly, her voice was raised to a shout "May I have the pleasure of brushing your hair?"
The way she describes her experience of actually combing this mans' hair brought tears to my eyes. His hair was perfectly clean, but tangled and matted as she began to brush and brush. She said, "I know this sounds strange, but I've never felt that kind of love for another soul in my entire life." She said for that few minutes actually felt a portion of the very love of God and He had taken residence in her heart for that little while. The emotions were so strong and pure and she knew they were God's. The mans' hair was finally soft and smooth. Beth asked the man if he knew Jesus and sure enough, he did. He has been away from home and his bride due to heart surgery and his wife was too ill to stay with him, but God was alive and so much a part of their life. He went on saying that it's been months since I've seen her and I was just sitting here thinking what a mess I must be coming home to my bride. Later, the attendant in tears, asked Beth why she had done what she had done... Beth replied, "Do you know Jesus? He can be the bossiest thing!" Beth had not only blessed this man on his journey home, but showed God's sweet, sweet spirit and touched so many hearts in that airport who witnessed her humble spirit.
Sometimes I think I'm just too busy to stop to "brush someone's hair" or I think, I'll catch up with "so-in-so" tomorrow. I desire to have a tender heart that God allows us to share. I want to be humble and sensitive to the spirit in so much that God trusts me to represent Him. I want more... God is enough; and to me, He is also "then some"...
Lord, You are enough. I desire to feel your presence and be a part of your work. I want to impact others in such a positive, uplifting way so make my heart tender and sensitive to your voice and to others needs. I want to be an encourager for You by allowing your genuine, incredible love and grace to pour out of me onto others. I want to be used as your vessel to carry out your will with a light so bright it burns beautiful and clear in such a very dark world. I give You my all and ask You to help me never lose sight of wanting more of You. I sing your praises. I give You glory in the most humbling, yet exalting way. Thank you, sweet God, for being enough. Thank you, for your tender mercy and incredible saving grace. In Christs' glorious name.
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