The true commandment reads: "Honor your father and mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee," Exodus 20:11. To me, honoring has always been an easy task for both mom and dad have given me Christ-like examples.
My mother has been chosen for me by God. As an angel, she protected me under her wings. As a teacher, she skilled me to choose right from wrong. As a caretaker, she comforted my pain. As an encourager, picked me up, dusted me off and said "let's try this again." With her wisdom, she allowed me to fail only to learn from my mistakes. Yet, at the end of each day, she is still my number one fan. I am so honored to be called her daughter and more blessed to be her baby.
I can't think of another woman on earth that fits the role of a Proverbs 31 lady. My mom is more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts her and she brings him no harm. She works willingly with her hands. She prepares food for the hungry and ill. She works vigorously and maintains strength; her candle never grows dim. She mends clothing and broken hearts; her hands are never idol. She opens her arms to the poor and reaches her heart to those in need. Her husband is respected at home and in the community. She speaks wisdom with kindness. She looks after her household responsibly without fear. She has joy knowing of the days ahead. And more than anything, verse 28 "Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her." She is not boastful nor is she proud, but righteous. Her beauty is immeasurable both physically and spiritually. She is a woman who fears the Lord and deserves to be praised. Mother, just as stated in verse 29, "Many women do noble things, but (Mother,) you surpass them all." Asolutely! I am so blessed to call you mom!
As I write this note, with joyful tears in my eyes, I can only say "thank you, Mom, for surpassing them all!" Happy Birthday!
I can't think of another woman on earth that fits the role of a Proverbs 31 lady. My mom is more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts her and she brings him no harm. She works willingly with her hands. She prepares food for the hungry and ill. She works vigorously and maintains strength; her candle never grows dim. She mends clothing and broken hearts; her hands are never idol. She opens her arms to the poor and reaches her heart to those in need. Her husband is respected at home and in the community. She speaks wisdom with kindness. She looks after her household responsibly without fear. She has joy knowing of the days ahead. And more than anything, verse 28 "Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her." She is not boastful nor is she proud, but righteous. Her beauty is immeasurable both physically and spiritually. She is a woman who fears the Lord and deserves to be praised. Mother, just as stated in verse 29, "Many women do noble things, but (Mother,) you surpass them all." Asolutely! I am so blessed to call you mom!
As I write this note, with joyful tears in my eyes, I can only say "thank you, Mom, for surpassing them all!" Happy Birthday!
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