Monday, March 16, 2009


Sunday in church, as the communion plate was passed, the song leader did something a little different. He had the congregation repeat after him ~ somewhat of a confessional. It was touching and I could tell in his cracking voice, it was genuine. The words were so powerful...

I'm not sure if he wrote this or if he found it somewhere, but I have to give credit to him (Ryan Sheilds). 

Here is it: (my comments are in blue)
ALL:  “We have had other gods before You”

We have worshipped and served the creature rather than the creator. (big-buddha experience...)
We have sought satisfaction in this world’s pleasures rather than in You.  
(tv, food, etc.)
We have loved to praise our own glory more than yours.
(I've often looked for the "pat on the back")

ALL:  “We have taken Your name in vain”
We have prayed religious prayers to impress others. (I have at times...)
We have uttered your name countless times without reverence or love.
(am I sincere? is it genuine?)
We have listened to others use your name in vain without grieving.
(there are times I haven't been sensitive to His spirit)

ALL:  “We have murdered in our hearts”
We have often destroyed our neighbor with our tongues. (I've done this many times...)
We have been quick to uncharitably judge others.  (even unknowingly ~ after the fact)
We have considered revenge when we were
 sinned against. (yes, I have, at times)

ALL:  “We have committed adultery with our eyes”
We have loved temptation rather than fighting it. (sure...)
We have lusted after unlawful and immoral pleasures.
(many times)
We have justified our lusts by using the world as our standard.
(too many times)

ALL:  “We have stolen and coveted”
Our lives overflow with discontent, ungratefulness, and envy. (often say... it's not enough)
e have complained in the midst of Your abundant provision.  (He always supplies ~ why can't I always see that?)
We have sought to exalt ourselves through owning more.
(better car? nicer house?)

ALL:  “We have lied to You and to others”
We have told distorted truths, half-truths, and untruths. (augh... I've done this)
We have despised the truth to make ourselves look better.
(I have... unfortunately)
Even in our confession, we look for ways to hide our guilt.
(In order for God to see the true me, I must be true to myself)

ALL:  “All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned, 

every one, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6

I just felt like this was for me and my journey right now.  I thank God today for allowing me to have a sensitive heart and helping keep my ears open to hear Him.

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