Saturday, May 30, 2009

hold the cross

I'm right now listening to one of my favorite hymns "Come and See the Cross." The lyrics sing "come and hold the cross". I think today is the first time I actually heard this line in the song. 

What a privilege it is to come to a Savior who has such selfless, unconditional love.  It's one thing to "see" the cross.. to know it is there. I see it. I also admire it. I have respect for it. I see the cross everywhere. It's a common decoration many people have in their homes and on their clothing. Often I take for granted seeing the cross. Now... come and see the crown of thorns that pierced him... see the blood and tears and hear the suffering.

And hear the cross... hear their cries and hear them nail him in vain. Hear the love cry, and learn to hold the cross. God sings a love song and longs evermore for my heart to hear Him; to hear Him suffering for me. 

"Hold" the cross... I know and feel the peace, the love, the power of the cross.  I see the scars from the crown of thorns and see how his sides were pierced.  I hear His cry. My heart breaks and feels how his heart was broken.... there was blood and tears and suffering for me. I see the cross, I hear the cross, but holding the cross gives me a clear perspective... a clear destiny... a love that does not die! ...a love whose Lamb was crucified. A Lamb who is alive and my heart forever holds Him!

"Come and hear the cross" He longs for my heart to hear Him! What an honorable statement to me! How blessed I am to have such a powerful God longing for me; to want me. I serve a gracious God! A merciful God! An awesome God! ...who wants me as His own. WOW, what a privilege to hold the cross.

Oh, Lord, You are an awesome God! You surprise me with your Holy Greatness everyday! Praise Your Name... Thank you for allowing me to hold the cross... to see the love you have for me! Thank you for the sacrificial Lamb! Lord, I don't deserve you, and yet, you still love and long for me! Thank you for your everlasting love song! Continue to keep the longing in my soul for more of You! I can't seem to get enough! You are worthy of all praise! In your precious son's name!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

what a friend

It's been a while since my last post... Like I mentioned before... I'm still running a bit on "E." Just as I thought things might slow down after my business trip, soccer, etc., I was asked to teach third & fourth grade Sunday school. What's one more thing? Besides, I've always wanted to be involved with the children's program. I think life is going to slow down a little bit in a couple of weeks. Seems like soccer and school will both end at the same time for Natalie and I'm hoping it will free up a little extra time. 

There are times when I feel a bit alone more than others. Like this morning, I lie in bed as my mind races of things I have failed in and I start thinking of things I should have done or need to accomplish. Like right now, my bathroom is a mess... the drywall is showing through where I have taken down all the metal tiles and it's such a sore eye for me. My parents stayed at my house for a week while I was away on business and (bless their hearts) I actually felt sorry for them. They ended up fixing more things than I knew was wrong with the house and plan on coming back in a few weeks to fix more things. I'm grateful for their help, don't get me wrong, but embarrassed all the same. ...almost like I've failed to have it all together. Which brings me back to feeling alone. I know my dad thinks if I had a man around the house, then he could fix things for me ...woe, is me.

Today, a facebook friend posted this: Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. PSALM 73:23-26 

I've heard "diamonds are a girls best friend" and "a man's best friend is his dog" but who claims to be my best friend?  What a friend I have in Jesus! It's assuring to know that He keeps me safe and comforted and secure. As I studied my lesson for church how He feeds the multitude on two small fish and five small loaves of bread, I'm instantly reminded of how He supplies all my needs.  With only the smallest of things, He was capable of doing the unthinkable. The end of the lesson reads: "The boy who gave his lunch to Jesus had no idea what Jesus was going to do with his gift. In the  same way, we don't know what Jesus might do with the kind things we do for others." Wow... here I am thinking "woe, is me" when it's not about me at all. Christ and his disciples crossed the Sea of Galilee to get some rest only to find the multitudes waiting on them to be taught and healed.  Christ over looked his desires to rest and tended to the people.  His continuing sacrifice... 

I'm grateful for my everlasting friend.  Even when I think I am alone, He is here with me. I love the old gospel hymn, What a Friend We have In Jesus. It's so true that I often forfeit peace and bear pain, when He has made the sacrifice for me to be able to turn those things over to him. 

What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged; Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness; Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Lord, thank you for keeping me and my family safe. Thank you for my family's willingness to help me and show me your selfless sacrifice. Thank you for the roof over my head, the clothes on my back and the food on my table for it is you who supplies all of my needs and I am grateful.  Thank you for your grace and everlasting peace. You are so worthy of all our praise! In your son's precious name.