Wednesday, March 25, 2009


In the "Love Dare" book used in the movie, Fireproof, the author warns us to "be aware of parasites"... I like what is written there: Watch out for parasites! A parasite is anything that latches on to you and sucks the life out of you, usually in the form of addictions. Parasites promise pleasure but grow like a disease and consume more and more of your thoughts, time and money. They steal away your loyalty and your heart from those you love. Your relationship with God rarely survives if parasites are present. If you love God, you must destroy any addiction that has your heart. If you don't, it will destroy you.

The movie uses this example in a marital relationship, so I altered it to fit my life. Now, I know I asked God a few weeks ago to tenderize my heart and help me to love those who don't deserve to be loved ~ I don't think I really realized what I was asking Him to do. I am learning that when I ask Him to help me, He tends to put me in the middle of situations to really... well, learn. I've never been the type of person to take the simple hints from God. I need the big kick in the head or the sign with the flashing lights pointing in a general direction. God has a humorous side and seems to put me literally where I've asked Him for help. I laugh tonight thinking about how He has done this to me several times, but twice this week, I've been in tears.

I have been dealing with a coworker. She is making my life difficult. This week I have really struggled to love this person. I have been set up to look like a fool in front of several people numerous times by this same person. I know this is God working in me to make me understand that unconditional, selfless love that He has. She has been one tough cookie to deal with and as hard headed as I can be... I think she has me beat.

Parasites... I believe the movie was warning me more on the lines of gambling, pornography, and things or acts that look like they could bring me pleasure. I think parasites can be anything that takes me away from my relationship with God. I'm not saying this woman is a parasite, but I think the actions and thoughts I have when I've been done wrong can set bitterness in my spirit to pull me away from God. In Matthew 5: 38-40, I'm instructed to turn the other cheek, but also know that I'm not a fool. Proverbs 29:11 says, "A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards." I am to pray over what I say to her about the situation. I'm praying not to change her... she is who she is, but that God will change me to understand her ways and help me to show her tenderness and mercy and not be bitter.
Tonight in my devotional ~ get this... it's titled "What comment or conversation has had a great impact on you?" The first two sentences of the first paragraph reads: Words can be used to encourage people or destroy them. Conversations can be filled with important instructions or rude admonishments that can change one's life forever. God, could you be any more prevalent? WOW! Talk about His way of being intentional and paving the way. I needed to hear these words tonight. I also needed to be reminded just as words are impacting my life... how are my words impacting others? For the good or the bad. Just as I may have been offended repeatedly this week, have I offended anyone with my words? Am I placing parasites in myself by being bitter toward others for doing me wrong?

Psalms 19:14 reads, "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer."

Lord, this is my prayer tonight as I face my giants tomorrow for You are my Rock and my Redeemer. May the words in my mouth and the tenderness of my heart be pleasing in your site. I ask the Holy Spirit to guide my tongue, that through my words, You will fill others with hope and encouragement. Allow me to become aware of how my comments positively or negatively affect others. Help me to only build others up with my words. If I need to speak a hard truth, let me do so from a loving heart, filled and overflowing with your grace. Let the Holy Spirit guide my mouth when I speak and give me open ears to clearly listen to You and others. Lord, help me to recognize the parasites in my life and to direct my thoughts on you and my actions as your ways. Thank you for being a part of my life. Thank you for the difficult trials for it is through the rougher times I draw closer to you and my faith in you becomes even more stronger. Thank you for your grace and the love you have for me... even when I don't deserve it from you.

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